Altar Servers
On behalf of the Altar Server ministry here at St Anthony Claret Church, We would like to give thanks to the community, our pastor Rev Bill Cao and 2 priests for ALL the support received to be able to attend our spiritual retreat. This would not have been possible without the generousity of the parishoners and the support of our priests. As Altar Servers we will continue to serve faithully to His community and the Altar and work to inspire those to become closer to Jesus. May God continue to bless you and the community of St Anthony Claret.De parte del ministerio del los Servidor del Altar/monaguillos , nos gustaría agradecer a nuestro parroco Rev Bill Cao, a nuestro 2 sacerdotes y toda la comunidad por TODO el apoyo recibido para poder asistir a nuestro retiro espiritual. Esto no hubiera sido posible sin la generosidad de los feligreses y el apoyo de nuestros sacerdotes. Como Servidores del Altar continuaremos sirviendo fielmente al Altar y Su comunidad e inspirando a aquellos a acercarse a Jesús. Que Dios los siga bendiciendo a ustedes y a la comunidad de San Antonio Maria Claret.DANIEL RAMIREZ
Altar Server of the Month
Congratulations to Alex Morgado on being the Altar Server of the month, at the age 13, Alex has been the 1st Altar Server to be selected twice in one year. Alex has been consistent with helping out every Wednesday in the silent Adoration and has taken it upon himself to make sure there are Altar servers for that Wednesday mass. Alex has embedded Christ in his heart by helping others, being welcoming, being a good leader and a good friend.
Prayer Circle
United in prayer, our Altar Servers gather together in a circle holding hands.
San Juan Field Trip
Faith Formation
Fun Times with Our Pastor Bill Cao
Altar Server Coordinator
Danny Ramirez