Novena to Our Blessed Mother

Novena to Our Blessed Mother
5/23/2024, 9:00 AM 9:30 AM

As a tradition, we honor Mother Mary during the month of May. Beginning this Monday, May 1st, the statue of the Blessed Mother will be enshrined in our Church and will remain here the whole month of May. Rosary in English and Spanish will be prayed daily beginning May 1st after the 8:30am Mass. Please come and join in our prayers.

Como tradición, honramos a nuestra Madre María durante el mes de Mayo. A partir de este lunes, 1ro de mayo, la imagen de nuestra Madre María estará expuesta en nuestra iglesia durante todo el mes. Habrá rosario diario, en inglés y español, a las 9:00am.

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